Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fetal Growth And Development Does A Vegetarian Diet Affect Fetal Growth During Pregnancy? If So, How?

Does a vegetarian diet affect fetal growth during pregnancy? If so, how? - fetal growth and development

Is it safe?
If the child develop normally?


Larkin L said...

On this page: - Vegetarian Sabina, web-site has photos of his son and the twins - they are good. Only eat well and make sure to eat a balanced diet and protein.

The mom said...

Many vegetarians do not expect too, and children are in very good health. Everything you need to ensure attention to protein intake, and take the iron supplement. The main challenge we have is there to prevent anemia, is an important meat source of iron. A strict vegetarian may do more to have difficulties, and avoid all animal products including eggs and dairy products, so they have a challenge for calcium. But the baby is more likely to develop normally, nothing, because the fetus is more likely to reserves in the body of the mother to draw first. If there is a lack of calcium, the body of the mother's teeth and bones to rob, to provide her growing baby. The same is true for iron, which comes at the expense of the mother. Luckily, pregnancy, the baby receives care from the first. Vitamins and minerals are primarily to meet the mother, the baby, actually. If they are healthy and well fed enough to be pregnant should first and foremost, do well then the baby, no matter what you eat or not eat. WatchAll babies in countries like India, was born, where most of them are vegetarians or even the rest of the world in meat consumption is much lower than those in more developed countries like the United States. Personally, I found the taste of the meat very uncomfortable when I was pregnant. Although not all of a vegetarian, I eat a lot of him and got most of my protein from tofu and other vegetable combinations. My children were born healthy and fine, no problems at all. I have a friend, a lacto-ovo-vegetarian is, and they had four children with no problem. She eats anything, "his eyes", she said, and all children weigh more than 7 pounds. She weighed reach almost 9 - in all vegetables, eggs and dairy products.

partytri... said...

Of course! the only reason why people say that the meat is good for you, because the meat industry that you want to buy your product. It's actually been proven to create more cells genetically fat babies during pregnancy and that the child can be very large.

Emmy said...

Yes, definitely. You have to be careful, you eat what is good. It is much better than junk food snacks at random, like many people, if you really dishes about nutrition.

Brie said...

If you are pregnant vegetarian, then you can have a healthy birth, but be sure to eat enough protein.

Bartox said...

I do not know, but I say it affects them in some way.

Jannet said...

nope and nope

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